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Balancing independence and asking for help

Today is Mother's Day! I want to wish my mom, and all the amazing, hard-working, self-less others out there who give up their needs and time to care and love on others, a Happy Mother's Day!!

I started this morning as I do everyday with about 30 minutes of quiet time where I read a devotion, pray and journal. It allows me to get clear on what is important and uplifts and energizes me for the day.

Right now I am reading a devotional book with my community group by Jerry Kirk called The Prayer Covenant. Today a passage really struck me, "In an age which we are repeatedly told we must depend on ourselves-our own efforts and our own capabilities-God's people must continually recall that we are dependent not on ourselves alone but on God's Spirit."

It's empowering and freaking amazing to know your power and have your independence as a woman. But I know that I have taken this too far. Trying to shoulder all of the burdens and work alone because I don't want to show what I think is weakness. Not wanting to rest or take a step back because I have worked so hard and don't want to lose ground.

But this passage really convicted me! I needed to be reminded of some things! Now I don't know what your beliefs are but I believe in God. And He calls us to rely on Him, to go to Him with everything because He will always be there for us. He wants to help us through this crazy life. I forget this, a lot. And need to be constantly reminded of it. It is comforting and honestly a huge relief knowing that someone is always there with me.

Even if you don't believe as I do, I want to remind you that there are people in your life for you to rely on and lean on. There are people in your life right now that love you, care deeply for you and want to be there to support you in the good and bad times. Let them!

It can be hard navigating being a strong, independent, capable women and knowing when we need to ask for help or support or just an ear to listen for an hour. I think it actually makes us stronger if we can admit that we need help and ask for it! We aren't meant to walk this life alone, carrying our burdens alone. If you want to watch a really funny movie that shows this perfectly, check out Wine Country on Netflix.

To quote that Jack Johnson song...we are better together. So go call a friend, mother, sister, cousin and set up some time to spend with them to talk, share or just to vent. You both will walk away from that time happier and stronger.



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